Publications and Presentations

Publications and Papers in preparation

Bair, A. & Steele, J. (2010). “Examining the consequences of exposure to racism
        for the executive functioning of Black students. Journal of Experimental 
        Social Psychology. 46, 127 - 132

Bair A., & Steele, J. (2014). Do these norms make me look fat? The effect of 
         exposure to others' body preferences on personal body ideals. Body 
         Image. 11, 275-281

Bair, A. & Steele, J. (in preparation) Pro-Black, pro-White or proactive: Linking
         implicit racial attitudes, racial ideologies and strategies for success in 
         Black participants. Paper in preparation.

Conference Symposia

         Bair, A., Steele, J. & Hickling, F. (2013, June) Pro-Black, pro-White or pro-
active? Linking implicit racial attitudes, system justification, and racial 
ideologies in Black participants, Paper presented at the Black Graduate Conference in 
Psychology, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

         Bair, A. & Steele, J. (2012, May) Predicting implicit racial attitudes in
Black participants: The role of racial ideology and the social context, Paper 
presented at Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, Ann 
Arbor, Michigan.

         Bair, A., & Steele, J. (2011, June) Examining the consequences of exposure 
to racism for the executive functioning of Black students, Paper presented at the 
Canadian Psychological Association’s 72nd Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada. 

Invited Talks

         Bair, A. (2010, January). Black Racial Identity in Jamaica. Paper presented 
at the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of the West 
Indies at Mona, Kingston, Jamaica.

 Bair, A. (2007, April). The Impact of Interracial Interactions and Racism on 
Executive Functioning: The Target’s Perspective. Paper presented at the York 
University/University of Toronto Social Personality Area Conference, Toronto, Ontario.

Conference Poster Presentations

         Bair, A. (2010, Jan). Do these norms make me look fat? Conformity and body 
type preference. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Society for 
Personality and Social Psychology, Las Vegas, Nevada.

         Leslie, S., Bair, A., & Steele, J. (2009, Aug).  Does exposure to racism 
shift justice beliefs? Paper presented at the 117th Annual APA convention, Toronto, 

         Bair, A. & Steele, J. (2009, February). The effect of speaker race and 
interaction topic on anxiety attributions in interracial and same-race interactions.  
Paper presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social 
Psychology, Tampa, Florida.

         Bair, A. & Steele, J. (2008, June).  Examining the meaning of the race-IAT 
for Black participants. Paper presented at the 7th Biennial Conference of the Society 
for Psychological Study of Social Issues, Chicago, Illinois.

         Bair, A. & Steele  J. (2007, January).  The Impact of Interracial 
Interactions and Racism on Executive Functioning: The Target’s Perspective.  Paper 
presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social 
Psychology, Memphis, Tennessee.

         Bair, A., Okada, R., & Steele, J. (2006, January). Conformity and Body Type 
Preference:  Perpetuating Thinness Ideals.  Paper presented at the 7th Annual Meeting 
of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Palm Springs, California.

         Bair, A. & Okada, R. (2005, January).  The Impact of Social Pressure on Body 
Type Preference.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research 
in Applied Memory and Cognition, Wellington, New Zealand.